Frog Magic

~ A Short Story by Andre Norton

frog magic 1997


Synopsis ~

Hyarmon is changed to a frog and must use his wits to regain his thrown.


Bibliography of English Editions ~

  • Wizard Fantastic (1997) Edited by Martin H. Greenberg, Published by DAW, PB, 0-886-77756-9, No.1072, $5.99, 346pg ~ cover by John Howe ~ 21 original tales of those who dare to master the powers and perils of realms beyond the mortal world....
  • Wizard Fantastic (2004) Edited by Martin H. Greenberg, Published by IBooks, TP, 0-743-48730-3, $12.95, 400pg ~ cover by Nicholas Jainschigg

Write-up from the back of the paperback ~

Their Magic Can Defeat Dragons and Demons, Their Knowledge Can Make Any Man a King - From Merlin to Gandalf, from medicine men to witch doctors, there have always been those who beyond the everyday world, seeking out secrets far beyond mortal ken. They have held the power of life and death over their followers, have been advisers to the mightiest of rulers. Some have grown proud beyond their abilities and finally met the bane. Others have fulfilled their destiny and gone on to realms beyond our own. And all of them, whether they followed paths of good or evil, have captured the imaginations of fantasy lovers everywhere.

So let yourself be caught up in the magical enchantments of such word sorcerers as Dennis McKiernan, Josepha Sherman, Jane Lindskold, Mickey zucker Reichert, Michelle West, Andre Norton, Dianna Paxton, Jody Lyn Nye, John DeChancie, Jane Yolen and Tanya Huff as they conjure up such spellbinding visions as:

- He had called the demon and it had no choice but to do his bidding - or did it?

- Though he had chosen to take holy orders, he was nor beyond using a man of magic to aid his rise to the top...

- They were young and their power was greater than their training - could they survive the Inferno's challenge?

     9 • Introduction (Wizard Fantastic) • essay by Martin H. Greenberg
    12 • In the Service of Mages • short story by Dennis L. McKiernan
    16 • Ilian • short story by Josepha Sherman
    27 • Hell's Mark • [The Albuquerque Adepts] • novelette by Jane Lindskold
    55 • The Bane of Trigeminy • short story by Mickey Zucker Reichert
    71 • A Thing or Two About Love • short story by Richard Parks
    84 • The Dead that Sow • novelette by Michelle West
    109 • Frog Magic • short story by Andre Norton
    117 • How the Wild Hunt Came to Trygvadal • short story by Diana L. Paxson
    134 • The Yellow of the Flickering Past • short story by Dean Wesley Smith
    145 • Soul Catcher • novelette by Linda P. Baker
    167 • Wizard's Choice • short story by Janet Pack
    186 • Mastery • short story by Sherwood Smith
    202 • Bird Bones • short story by Jody Lynn Nye
    222 • Willy Wizard's Magicland • short story by Connie Hirsch
    236 • Visible Breath • short story by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
    256 • Familiar Territory • short story by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
    268 • Spellchucker • short story by John DeChancie
    285 • Proving Ground • short story by M. Turville Heitz
    298 • The Wizard of the Birds • short story by Jane Yolen and Adam Stemple
    316 • Mirror, Mirror, on the Lam • [Magdelene] • novelette by Tanya Huff
    341 • Of Tides and Time • short story by Dennis L. McKiernan 



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