Victory on Janus
~ 2nd Novel in the Janus Series by Andre Norton
Synopsis ~
Write-up from the front flap of the 1966 dustjacket ~
Waking suddenly and prematurely from their winter sleep on the planet Janus, Ayyar and his Iftin comrades—who, in a former life, had been off-worlders until their recruitment and transformation into Ifts—find a hostile force threatening their citadel, the great tree fortress of Iftsiga. It is soon apparent that their ancient enemy, an extraordinarily strong--but never seen--evil force, has risen again and is marshaling all its power to rid the planet of the peace-loving Ifts.
The beleaguered Iftins attempt to lforin an alliance with some other inhabitants of Janus. The attempt fails, serving only to increase the “forces of evil concentrating against them. The only course remaining is to carry the battle to the heart of the nightmarish Waste where the enemy exists, there to grapple with the evil that has brooded over Janus for centuries beyond telling.
Continuing the exploration of reality and illusion begun so brilliantly in Judgment on Janus, this is another fascinating and complex tale of adventure to add to the list of distinguished science fiction that has secured for Andre Norton a reputation as one of the top writers in the field today.
Write-up from the back of the 1968 ACE paperback edition ~
“A fantastic, fascinating and complex tale, a mixture of illusion and reality, from the framework of this latest science-fiction by Andre Norton. Set into this framework is a far off never-never land on a planet called Janus which is inhabited by a new race of “people” known as the Ifts. These green people suddenly find themselves face to face with destruction by an unknown enemy known only as THAT. How they muster courage to wander across a wasteland in search of this enemy, and what, surprisingly, THAT really is, make for an exciting and suspenseful story. Recommended for all science-fiction fans who like a bit of fantasy.” – Catholic Library World
Write-up from the back of the 1970s ACE paperback editions ~
In the vast jungles of Janus, the people of Ift and Naill Renfro, former Earthman and now Halfling, were in trouble: Earthmen were destroying their homeland and they had no idea why.
Until Renfro discovered that people who looked like Ifts, whose minds were controlled by an unknown, unnamable foe, had set the Earthmen against them.
Now Renfro and the Ifts had to battle an enemy who looked like themselves – with no way of telling the difference!
Write-up from the back of the Fawcett paperback edition ~
The forces of darkness had risen against the Ifts, the changeling tree people of Janus. Earth memories now melded with Iftin consciousness, the Ifts knew only that their very existence was being threatened by those who were once their brothers. But who - or what - had send Earthmen against them?
Ayyar the warrior was confused. The day of the dreaded Larsh had passed. But Ayyar did not know of the Ift's greater-to-be-feared enemy ~ THAT WHICH ABIDES. And so it was that the Ifts found themselves faced with a new enemy, and enemy so evil that it was unnamable, so insidious that it was unstoppable, so deadly that it could walk undetected among them and destroy them all forever….
Write-up from the back of the Ballantine Del Rey paperback edition ~
Death Struggle
The Ifts of Janus had once been human. Transformed, each shared his human memory with that of an Ift. But the Iftin memories were stronger and left the changelings unprepared for the danger which faced them in the form of the unnamable THAT WHICH ABIDES.
That dreaded evil was amassing a human army to take over the planet. To Ayyar and the other Ifts, the enemy was too powerful, too insidious, too utterly alien to face.
As the chosen warrior, Ayyar had to seek out the heart of the enemy and destroy it, before it vanquished the Ifts for once and for all.
“…A fast-moving adventure story set in a vivid imaginary world.” - Booklist
Write-ups from fans ~
Like "Return of the King", the title kind of gives away the ending. As mentioned, this picks up a few months after Judgment on Janus. The Ift are awakened early from hibernation to find a dangerous situation. Off-worlders are trying to destroy the forest that the Ift live in. Who are the Ift who are not Ift? Why are they doing this? Is THAT WHICH ABIDES (again, not the Big Lebowski) behind these attacks? Can Illylle and Jarvas evoke the power of the Mirror of Thanth again?
Can Illylle and Ayyar penetrate IT's stronghold and discover not only IT's secrets, but the very nature of THAT WHICH ABIDES? This is a very good read, but one should read Judgment of Janus first. I would love to see this made into a movie. After seeing Avatar, this one would be easy to make. One movie would probably do for both books. I believe this is a better story than Avatar. ~ PG
Reviews ~
Kirkus Reviews ~ Issue: Sept. 1st, 1966
In a follow-up to Judgement on Janus, this is one of the most illusory, other-dimensional stories from this excellent science fiction writer. It all concerns the Ifts--plant spirits reincarnated from various exterior sources--aroused from their nirvana-ish state by an attack on their planet from a hostile force (THAT or IT) and from the human off-worlders under ITS control. The battle between good and evil involves an extended, treacherous pilgrimage and occurs more on a psychic than a physical plane. The long complex story is only for Miss Norton's most enthusiastic fans. The writing is in her most involved style, and you practically need a machete to break through the underbrush of the Ifts' green, spiritual world.
Various reviews ~ For more info and other listings see Articles Over the Years
1967 by uncredited in Speculation, Autumn
1967 by P. Schuyler Miller in Analog Science Fiction -> Science Fact, April
1968 by P. Schuyler Miller in Analog Science Fiction -> Science Fact, October
2015 by James Nicoll
2018 by Judith Tarr
Bibliography of English Editions ~
- (1966) Published by Harcourt Brace, HC, #AC 66-10079, LCCN 66005959, $3.75, 224pg ~ cover by Richard Powers {Orange Cloth Boards}
- (1966) Published by Longmans, HC, $4.50, 224pg ~ Canadian printing ~ cover by Richard Powers
- (1967) Published by Gollancz, HC, 0-575-00526-2, £ 16s (192p), 224pg ~ UK printing ~ cover by Alan Breese {Green Paper boards}
- (1968) Published by ACE, PB, #G-703 (0-020-07703-050), $0.50, 190pg - cover by Michael Gilbert ~ #86321 1973 $0.95 190pg - #86322 1975 $1.25 190pg - covers by Josh Kirby ~ #86323 1977 $1.50 247pg - cover by Davis Meltzer
- (1970) Published by Brockhampton, PB ~ UK printing ~ cover by unknown ~ Existence Questionable
- (1980) Published by Fawcett, PB, 0-449-24216-1, $1.95 ~ cover by Ken Barr
- (1984) Published by Ballantine Del Rey, PB, 0-345-31625-8, $2.50, 247pg ~ cover by Laurence Schwinger
- Janus (2002) Published by BAEN, TP, 0-743-43553-2, LCCN 2002023223, $15.00, 387pg ~ cover by Larry Elmore ~ Omnibus containing Judgment on Janus (1963) & Victory on Janus (1966)
Non-English Editions ~
- (19??) Published in Lithuania; ~ Lithuanian title Pergale Januse [Victory on Janus] ~ Only mention I can find is at (link no longer valid)
- (1997) Published in Poland; by Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, 83-861-3817-3, 234pg ~ translation by Małgorzata Pukacka ~ cover by Agentur Luserke ~ Polish title Zwycięstwo na Janusie [Victory on Janusie]
Russian Omnibus Editions ~
- (1992)-1 Published in Novosibirsk, by EYA, 5-872-16019-4, HC, 464pg ~ cover of O. Poleschuk ~ Russian title Гаран вечный [Garan Eternal]
- "Forerunner Foray" as "The invasion of distant ancestors" ~ pp. 3-143
- "Garan the Eternal" as "The Eternal Garan" ~ pp. 144-236
- "Judgment on Janus" as "Court on Janus" ~ translation by N. Nesmelova, pp. 237-342
- "Victory on Janus" ~ pp. 343-461
- (1992)-2 Published in Moscow, and Ekaterinburg, by Verb, 5-731-20009-2, HC, 432pg ~ illustrations G. Vinogradova ~ Russian title Звездные врата. Суд на Янусе. Победа на Янусе. [Star Gates. Court on Janus. Victory on Janus.]
- Article by N. Basov. "Non-American" American Science Fiction - Andre Norton ~ pp. 3-4
- "Stargate" ~ translation by A. Kreines, pp. 5-162
- "Judgment on Janus" as "Court on Janus" ~ translation by L. Morgun, pp. 163-288
- "Victory on Janus" ~ translation by L. Morgun, pp. 289-430
- About the Author, p. 431
- (1992)-3 Published in Zelenograd, by Zelenogradskaya Books, 5-863-14009-7, HC, 416pg ~ Russian title Янус [Janus]
- "Judgment on Janus" as "Court on Janus" ~ translation by L. Morgun, pp. 4-138
- "Victory on Janus" ~ translation by L. Morgun, pp. 140-292
- "Secret of the Lost Race" ~ translation by K. Prilipko, pp. 294-413
- (1994) Published in Zelenograd, by Zelenogradskaya Books, 5-863-14036-4, HC, 416pg ~ cover by V. Bjasso ~ Russian title Победа на Янусе [Victory on Janus]
- "Judgment on Janus" as "Court on Janus" ~ pp. 4-139
- "Victory on Janus" ~ pp. 140-294
- "Secret of the Lost Race" ~ pp. 295-413
- (2001) Published in Moscow, by Eksmo, 5-040-07031-1, HC, 480pg ~ cover by Ogor Varavin ~ Russian title Победа на Янусе [Victory on Janus]
- "Catseye" as "Cat's gaze" ~ translation by D. Arsenyev, pp. 5-108
- "Night of Masks" as "The Night of the Masks" ~ translation by A. Schupov & I. Golovshchikov, pp. 109-228
- "Judgment on Janus" as "Court on Janus" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov, pp. 229-346
- "Victory on Janus" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov, pp. 347-475
- (2002) Published in Moscow, by Eksmo, 5-699-00714-8, HC, 384pg ~ cover by T. White ~ Russian title Победа на Янусе [Victory on Janus]
- "Judgment on Janus" as "Court on Janus" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov, pp. 5-184
- "Victory on Janus" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov, pp. 185-378
- (2004) Published in Moscow, by Eksmo and St. Petersburg, by Donino, 5-699-07079-6, HC, 608pg ~ cover by Jim Burns ~ Russian title Космические бродяги [Space tramps]
- "Catseye" as "Cat's gaze" ~ translation by D. Arseniev, pp. 5-144
- "Night of Masks" as "The Night of the Masks" ~ translation by A. Schupov & I. Golovshchikov, pp. 145-300
- "Judgment on Janus" as "Court on Janus" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov, pp. 301-448
- "Victory on Janus" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov, pp. 449-606
- (2015) Published in Moscow by Eksmo, 978-5-699-76086-2, HC, 800pgs ~ cover art by A. Dubovik ~ Russian title Колдовской мир [Victory on Janus] ~ Limited to 3000 copies ~ in fact, released in December 2014
- "Storm Over Warlock" as "Storm over the planet Sorcerer" ~ translation S. Sergeev, pp. 5-200
- "Ordeal in Otherwhere" as "Trials in the Other-Where" ~ translation by D. Arseniev, pp. 201-352
- "Catseye" as "Cat's gaze" ~ translation by D. Arseniev, pp. 353-486
- "Judgment on Janus" as "Court on Janus" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov, pp. 487-636
- "Victory on Janus" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov, pp. 637-797
View the Original contract
View the 1978 ACE contract
View the 2004 Russian contract
See Also: Timeline 1 - Andre's Universe entry for this title.
Victory on Janus - 1966
Victory on Janus - 1966
Victory on Janus - 1966 dj
Victory on Janus - 1966 dj
Victory on Janus - UK - 1967 dj
Victory on Janus - UK - 1967 dj
Victory on Janus - UK - 1967
Victory on Janus - UK - 1967
Victory on Janus - 1968 original art
Victory on Janus - 1968 original art
Victory on Janus - 1968
Victory on Janus - 1968
Victory on Janus - 1973
Victory on Janus - 1973
Victory on Janus - 1975
Victory on Janus - 1975
Victory on Janus - 1977
Victory on Janus - 1977
Victory on Janus - 1980
Victory on Janus - 1980
Victory on Janus - 1984
Victory on Janus - 1984
Victory on Janus - 1984 proof card
Victory on Janus - 1984 proof card
Victory on Janus - 1984 original art
Victory on Janus - 1984 original art
Victory on Janus - Poland - 1997
Victory on Janus - Poland - 1997
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 1992-1
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 1992-1
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 1992-2 frontspiece
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 1992-2 frontspiece
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 1992-2
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 1992-2
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 1992-2 DJ
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 1992-2 DJ
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 1992-3
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 1992-3
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 1994
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 1994
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 2001 original art
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 2001 original art
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 2001
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 2001
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 2002 original art
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 2002 original art
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 2002
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 2002
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 2004
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 2004
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 2015
Contains: Victory on Janus - Russian - 2015