Web of the Witch World

~ 2nd Novel in the Witch World: Estcarp Series by Andre Norton

web of the witch world 1964 f 263


Synopsis ~

Write-up from the back of the ACE paperback editions ~

Simon Tergarth, whos own Earthy prowess had won him a throne and a witch-wife in an alien world, knew that both triumphs were precarious as long as the super-science of Kolder held a foothold on that planet.
And his premonitions were right when those invaders from another dimension made their final diabolical strike for total conquest.
Andre Norton’s Web of the Witch World is a terrific novel of scientific marvel, otherworld color, and sword-and-sorcery action that will thrill and delight every reader.


Write-up from the front flap of the Gregg Press editions ~

IN THE GRAY LIGHT before dawn, Jaelithe felt a summons that thrilled and alarmed her. When she left the sisterhood of the Wise Women to marry Simon Tregarth, she believed that she had laid aside her power as a sorceress. The summons clearly meant that she had kept her power; it also warned that evil was upon the land. She awakened Simon and together they answered the call, a cry for help from their old ally, Loyse of Verlaine.
Never in the long history of Estcarp, whose roots merged with the dimly remembered Old Ones and others perhaps best forgotten, had such a pair been known—a witch who was Wedded Wife and her spouse, an alien male who could wield the Power once known only among the Wise Women. The trail they followed demanded all their resources, for it led from the empty chambers of Loyse to a battle of wills before the entrance to the last stronghold of the Kolder and their monstrous machines, a struggle that set ancient learning against science and ensorcellment against psychology.
Andre Norton weaves the threads of fantasy into a tale that compels the reader's attention and holds him breathless through its dramatic conclusion at the brink of another dimension. This new edition of Web of the Witch World includes special endleave maps of the Witch World by Barbi Johnson.


Write-up from the back of the 1978 UK paperback edition ~

Witch-power of Estcarp stood alone against alien sorcery of Kolder, treachery of Karsten and enmity of Alizon, as Simon Tregarth the outworlder and Jaelithe his witch-wife strove in the riding of armies and the storming of citadels for the security of Estcarp, last bastion of the Old Race in the struggle with demonic control wielded by the forces of Kolder.
For Kolder too had mastered the art of shape-changing, but not as the witches of Estcarp used it. This was a matter of shape-changing within, not without, a distorting and twisting of the minds of men so that they become spiritless, soulless beings, to act and kill at the behest of Kolder. And so, the evil power spread its web over Estcarp and her allies.


Write-up from the back of the 1987 paperback edition ~

Somewhere the inhuman invaders of Kolder lay in wait: storing up the full force of their evil, making ready for their final demonic assault on the land of Estcarp…
Beset from all sides, the witch-power of Estcarp stood alone against the corrosive evil of an adjacent world; a world whose power to twist the mind and destroy the soul could turn men to murder at the behest of their masters. Simon Tregarth and his witch-wife Jealithe knew there could be no peace until they had tracked Kolder to its lair – and smashed forever the Gateway to its world. But how dire the cost if their only chance were for Tregarth himself to offer up his mind to the monstrous power of Kolder?
“Andre Norton will be remembered when many of us are totally forgotten” – Anne McCaffrey
“An imagination quite out of this world” – T.L.S.


Write-up from a Gregg Press sales flyer ~

A year after their first struggle with the Kolder, Simon and Jaelithe are once again drawn into action when their friend Loyse is abducted by the forces of Lord Yvian, the mercenary ruler of Karsten. Simon, Jaelithe, Koris, and the allies of Escarp launch a surprise raid in pursuit, only to discover that Yvian has been killed and Loyse is in the hands of the Kolder. While trying to rescue Loyse from the Kolder stronghold, Simon is brought under Kolder control, captured, and taken by submarine to the kolder headquarters. there Simon learns the secret of the Kolder, how they, too, entered the Witch World through a gate from another, dying world, and what their plans were for the conquest of Escarp, its allies and enemies. Using mind contact, Simon leads Jaelithe and an Escarp armada to him and sets up the final marvelous battle against the Kolder threat.


Write-up from the 2016 digital release ~

Fantasy and science fiction Grand Master Andre Norton’s Witch World saga continues in Web of the Witch World. After repulsing the Kolder, the land of Estcarp is safe, until a sudden disappearance sends Simon Tregarth and his allies on a quest to stop an enigmatic new danger. Though the Kolder were defeated before, they rise again with a vengeance, and their plot is even more sinister than before. From Karsten in the south to the swamps of Tor to the Kolder’s impenetrable stronghold and beyond, Simon must fight to stop the invaders of his adopted home once and for all.


Write-ups from fans ~

Picking up right after Witch World, Jaelethe discovers that her Powers have not altogether left her in spite of wedding Simon. She has a hard time convincing the council of Witches that this is the case, and they refuse to return her witch-jewel. Simon gets a "sending" that Loyse has been lured away, captured and taken to Karsten. Simon, Koris and 10 men sneak into Kars in disguise after stopping into Verlaine to kill Fulk and where the discovered that he had been under the control of the Kolder. In Kars, the Duke is killed and the Estcarpian forces escape only to get captured buy the Kolder who are still bent on taking over the world. Simon must use his latent powers to help locate the Kolder home base and the Gate that they used to enter the Witch World. Simon mentally calls Jaelethe to reveal the location of the Kolder base to the Sulcars and they team up to try to close the Gate. I recommend reading Witch World before reading this one. A page-turner with lots of adventure! ~ PG


Reviews ~

Various reviews ~ For more info and other listings see Articles Over the Years

1964 by P. Schuyler Miller in Analog Science Fact -> Science Fiction, August
1977 by Charles N. Brown in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, Winter
1977 by E. Sisco in School Library Journal, September
1987 by Andy Sawyer in Paperback Inferno #68
2015 by James Nicoll
2017 by Judith Tarr


Bibliography of English Editions ~

  • (1964) Published by ACE, PB, #F-263, $0.40, 192pg - #G-716 1968 $0.50 192pg - covers, illustrations & maps by Jack Gaughan ~ #87871 1972 $0.75 190pg - #87872 1973 $0.95 190pg - #87873 1974 $1.25 190pg - #87874 1976 $1.50 190pg - #87875-X 1978 & 80 $1.95 190pg - #87876-8 1981 $2.25 190pg - covers by Davis Meltzer, maps by Jack Gaughan ~ #87876-8 1983 $2.25 190pg - #87877-6 1983 $2.50 190pg - #87878-4 1984 $2.50 190pg - #87879-2 1986 $2.75 190pg -  #87879-2 1988 & 89 $3.50 190pg - covers by John Pound, maps by Jack Gaughan

#87875-X has two printings for this ACE Number series.  The November 1978 printing has no number line.  The September 1980 printing has number line '8 0 9'.  Both printings use the same Meltzer cover art and have the same price.

#87876-8 has two printings for this ACE Number series, one with the Davis Meltzer cover and one with the John Pound cover.

#87879-2 has three printings for this ACE Number series, one 1986 for $2.75, one in May 1988 for $3.50 and one in June 1989 for $3.50.

  • (1970) Published by Tandem, PB, 0-426-05020-7, £ 5s (60p), 192pg ~ UK printing ~ cover by Philip Castle, map by Jack Gaughan
  • (1977) Published by Gregg Press, HC, 0-839-82357-6, LCCN 77023208, $7.95, 192pg ~ As Witch World 2: Web of the Witch World ~ Dust Jacket and Text Art by Jack Gaughan, Frontmatter by Alice Phalen, Endpaper Maps by Barbi Johnson {Binding: 5.625 x 8.25 - Dark Blue Cloth Boards with Gold Lettering} Limited to 1200 copies.
  • (1977) Published by G Prior, HC, 0-860-43070-7, £4.95, 200pg ~ UK printing ~ This Edition is an identical copy of the Gregg Press release with the exception of the Title & Copyright Page.
  • (1978) Published by Universal (Tandem), PB, 0-426-05020-7, £0.75, 192pg ~ UK printing ~ cover by Rodney Matthews, map by Jack Gaughan
  • (1987) Published by Gollancz, PB, 0-575-03996-5, £2.50, 192pg ~ UK printing ~ cover by Mark Harrison
  • (2010) Created by Brilliance Audio, Audible, length 6hrs & 28mins, $17.99 ~ narrated by Nick Podehl
  • (2016) Published by Worldbuilders Press, DM, no ISBN, $2.99, 164pg ~ cover by Matt Forsyth


Non-English Editions ~

  • (1993) Published in Sofia, Bulgaria; by Clear 2, PB, 161pg ~ Bulgarian title Магьоснически свят. Книга 2: Паяжината [Wizarding world Book 2: Spiderweb]
  • (1995) Published in Plzeň, Czech Republic; by Laser, PB, 80-85601-92-3, 183pg ~ cover by Milan Fibiger ~ translation by David Hájek ~ Czech title Svět čarodějnic 2: Stín nad světem čarodějnic [Witch World 2: A shadow over the witch world]
  • (1979) Published in Bologna, Italy; by Libra Editrice, I Classici della Fantascienza, n. 37, 7,500 lir, 400pg ~ translation by Roberta Rambelli ~ Illustrated by Allison ~ omnibus containing Tre contro il mondo delle streghe [Three against the world of witches] and La rete del mondo delle streghe [Web of the Witch World] ~ Italian title Ritorno a Estcarp [Return to Estcarp]
  • (1994) Published in Paris, France; by Pocket, PB, 22-660-6280-8, 221pg ~ translation by Gille Dupreux ~ cover by Chistophe Kro ~ French title La vallée dans l'ombre [The valley in the shade]
  • (2023) Published in France, by Mnemos, PB, 978-2-382-67049-1, €24, 461pg ~ translation by Patrick Mallet ~ cover by Atelier Octobre Rough, F. A. Klaer & Stephane Arson ~ map by Felix Abel Klaer ~ French title Witch World: Le cycle de Simon Tregarth ~ Omnibus containing Witch World and Web of the Witch World ~ with Introduction by Mercedes Lackey translation by Delphine Borghese (The Introduction is from Lost Lands of Witch World)
  • (1964) Published in Rastatt, Germany; by Pabel Verlag ~ translation by Walter Brumm ~ German title Im Netz der Magie [In the web of magic]
  • (1975) Published in Rastatt, Germany; by Pabel Verlag, Terra Fantasy 5, DM2.80, 145pg ~ translation by Walter Brumm ~ cover by Jeff Jones ~ German title Im Netz der Magie [In the web of magic]
  • (1977) Published in Rastatt, Germany; by Pabel Verlag, Terra Fantasy 5, DM3.80, 144pg ~ translation by Walter Brumm ~ cover by Jeff Jones ~ German title Im Netz der Magie [In the web of magic]
  • (1986) Published in Rastatt, Germany; by Moewig, TB 9, DM5.80, 161pg ~ translation by Walter Brumm ~ cover by Nikolai Lutohin ~ German title Im Netz der Magie [In the web of magic]
  • (1986) Published in Rastatt, Germany; by Moewig, 38-118-3792-2, DM8.80, 322pg ~ translation by Walter Brumm ~ cover by Tom Barber ~ German title Hexenwelt. Gefangene der Dämonen/Im Netz der Magie [Witch world. Prisoners of the demons / In the web of magic] ~ omnibus containing Witch World and Web of the Witch World
  • (2018) Published in Germany by APEX VERLAG CHRISTIAN DÖRGE, 978-3-7438-3347-0, DM, €5.99, 286pg ~ German title DAS NETZ DER MAGIE - Zweiter Roman des HEXENWELT-Zyklus [THE NETWORK OF MAGIC - Second novel of the HEX WORLD Cycle]
  • (1985) Published in Tel Aviv, Israel; by Am Oved Publishers ~ Hewbrew title בקורי עולם המשפות [In the world of the indolence]
  • (1979) Published in Bologna, Italy; by Libra Editrice, I Classici della Fantascienza, n. 37, 400pg ~ translation by Roberta Rambelli ~ cover by Allison ~ Omnibus containing La rete del mondo delle streghe [Web of the Witch World] and Tre contro il mondo delle streghe [Three Against the Witch World]
  • (1991) Published in Milan, Italy; by Mondadori, Urania Fantasy n. 35, 6,000 lir, 173pg ~ translation by Paola Andreaus ~ cover by Maren ~ Italian title Il segreto del mondo delle streghe [The secret of the witch world]
  • (1974) Published in Tokyo, Japan; by Sogensya, 44-886-0203-7, 285pg ~ translation by Jun Atsugi ~ Cover by Motoichiro Takebe ~ Japanese title 魔法の世界の凱歌 [Kaiga of the Magic World] ~ reprinted in 1982
  • (1993) Published in Kaunus, Lithuania; by Eridanas, 224pg ~ translation by Anita Kapočiūtė ~ cover by Audrio Šimakausko ~ Lithuanian title Raganų pasaulio voratinklis [Wizarding World Cobweb]
  • (1985) Published by wewnątrzorganizacyjnegoPrinting. RW/NOT B-k. 145/85. N. 100 copies. A5 ~ translation by Teresa Witecka ~ Polish title Świat Czarownic w pułapce [The world of witches trapped]
  • (1990/2) Published in Poznań, Poland; by Amber, 83-850-7945-9, 220pg ~ translation by Ewa Witecka ~ cover by Steve Crisp ~ Polish title Świat Czarownic w pułapce [The world of witches trapped]
  • (2013) Published in Warsaw, Poland; by Nasza Księgarnia, 978-8-31011-795-3, PB, 288pg ~ translation by Ewa Witecka ~ Polish title Świat Czarownic w pułapce [The world of witches trapped]
  • (1991) Published in Leningrad, by FE Complex, no ISBN, PB, 168pg ~ translation by M. Gutkin ~ cover by E. Olifina ~ Russian title Паутина Колдовского мира [World Wide Web Witching]
  •  (1967) Published in Ferma, Spain; by Infintium, PB, 206pg ~ cover by Ramira ~ Spanish title Historia de un mundo embrujado [History of a haunted world]
  • (1976) Published in Spain by Extra Fiction, 84-365-0787-8, PB, 206pg ~ cover by Ramira ~ Spanish title un mundo embrujado [haunted world]
  • (2020) Published in Kharkiv, Ukraine by Book Club “Family Leisure Club”; 978-6-17127-119-7; HC, 240 pg ~ translation by Natalia Makiyivka ~ cover art by John Dubrovskiy ~ Ukraine title Павутиння чаклунського світу [Web of the Sorcerer's World]


Russian Omnibus Editions ~

  • (1992)-1 Published in Zelenograd, by Zeleogradskaya Books and Angarsk, by Amber, 5-863-14008-9, HC, 416pg ~ Russian title Серая магия [Grey Magic]


    • "Gray Magic" ~ pp. 3-83
    • "Witch World" as "The Witching World" ~ pp. 84-256
    • "Web of the Witching World" ~ pp. 257-410


  • (1992)-2 Published in St. Petersburg, by North-West, 5-835-20012-9, HC, 416pg ~ cover by Denis Gordeeva ~ Russian title Колдовской мир [Witching World]


    • "Witch World" as "The Witching World" ~ translation by S. Stepanov, pp. 5-230
    • "Web of the Witching World" ~ translation by A. Pakhomov, pp. 231-409


  • (1992)-3 Published in St. Petersburg, by North-West, 5-835-20012-9, HC, 416pg ~ cover by Sergey Tenin ~ Russian title Колдовской мир [Witching World] ~ This volume was reprint of 1992-7. The binding became unnumbered, a dust cover with other illustrations was added, however, the ISBN and volume layout were completely preserved, up to the pages with announcements of other publisher books.


    • "Witch World" as "Book I. The Witching World" ~ translation by S. Stepanov, pp. 5-230
    • "Book II. The Web of the Witching World" ~ translation by A. Pakhomov, pp. 231-409


  • (1993)-1 Published in Novosibirsk, by EYA, 5-872-16034-8, HC, 512pg ~ Russian title Колдовской мир [Witching World]


    • "Witch World" as "The Witching World" ~ pp. 3-130
    • "Web of the Witching World" ~ pp. 131-243
    • "Three against the Witching World" ~ pp. 244-354
    • "Warlock of the Witch World" as "Wizard of the Witching World" ~ pp. 355-511


  • (1993)-2 Published in Minsk, Belarus by Prameb Co., 5-854-42035-X and 5-854-42034-1, HC, 448pg ~ cover art by A. Arinushkin ~ Russian title Мир ведьм [Witch World]


    • "Witch World" as "The World of Witches" ~ translation by C. Staselovich, pp. 3-166
    • "Web of the Witch World" as "Web of the World of Witches" ~ translation by N. Chadovich, pp. 167-298
    • "Forerunner Foray" as "The invasion of distant ancestors" ~ translation by O. Fedotova, pp. 299-445


  • (1999), (2000), (2001) & (2004) Published in Moscow, by AST, 5-237-03206-5 and 5-170-06013-0, HC, 544pg ~ cover by Luis Royo ~ Russian title Колдовской мир. Паутина Колдовского мира. Трое против Колдовского мира. [Witching World, Web of the Witching World, Three Against the Witching World] ~ limited to 7000 copies in (1999), 8000 in (2000), 4000 in (2001) and 5000 in (2004)


    • "Witch World" as "The Witching World" ~ translation by A. Gruzberg , O. Kolesnikov, pp. 5-202
    • "Web of the Witch World" as "The Web of the Witching World" ~ translation by A. Gruzberg , O. Kolesnikov, pp. 203-376
    • "Three Against the Witch World" as "Three against the Witching World" ~ translation by A. Gruzberg , O. Kolesnikov, pp. 377-538


  • (2004) Published in Moscow, by Eksmo and St. Petersburg, by Domino, 5-699-06536-9, HC, 848pg ~ cover by I. Zhmaylova and Y. Katashinskaya ~ Russian title Колдовской мир [Witching World]


    • "Witch World" as "Book I. The Witching World" ~ translation by S. Stepanov, pp. 11-188
    • "Web of the Witch World" as "Book II. The Web of the Witching World" ~ translation by A. Pakhomov, pp. 189-328
    • "Three Against the Witch World" as "Book III. Three against the Witching World" ~ translation by A. Pakhomov, pp. 329-468
    • "Warlock of the Witch World" as "Book IV. The Caster of the Witching World" ~ translation by N. Lebedeva, pp. 469-640
    • "Sorceress of the Witch World" as "Book V. The Sorceress of the Witching World" ~ translation by A. Smirnova, pp. 641-846


  • (2005)-1 Published in Moscow, by Ermak and AST, 5-170-26909-9 and 5-957-71700-2, HC, 976pg ~ translation by A. Grusberg and Oleg Kolesnikov ~ Cover by Luis Royo (insert) and M. Van Houten (background) ~ Russian title Колдовской Мир [Witching World] ~ limited to 3000 copies


    • "Witch World" as "The Witching World" ~ translation by A. Gruzberg , O. Kolesnikov, pp. 5-184
    • "Web of the Witch World" as "The Web of the Witching World" ~ translation by A. Gruzberg , O. Kolesnikov, pp. 185-338
    • "Three Against the Witch World" as "Three against the Witching World" ~ translation by A. Gruzberg , O. Kolesnikov, pp. 339-480
    • "Warlock of the Witch World" as "The Wizard of the Witching World" ~ translation by A. Gruzberg , O. Kolesnikov, pp. 481-666
    • "Sorceress of the Witch World" as "The Sorceress of the Witching World" ~ translation by A. Gruzberg , O. Kolesnikov, pp. 667-844
    • "Year of the Unicorn" as "The Year of the Unicorn" ~ translation by A. Gruzberg , O. Kolesnikov, pp. 845-971


  • (2005)-2 Published in Moscow by AST, 5-170-26911-0 and 5-957-71699-5, HC, 976pg ~ Russian title Колдовской Мир [Witching World] ~ Limited to 2000 copies


    • "Witch World" as "The Witching World" ~ translation by A. Gruzberg , O. Kolesnikov, pp. 5-184
    • "Web of the Witch World" as "The Web of the Witching World" ~ translation by A. Gruzberg , O. Kolesnikov, pp. 185-338
    • "Three Against the Witch World" as "Three against the Witching World" ~ translation by A. Gruzberg , O. Kolesnikov, pp. 339-480
    • "Warlock of the Witch World" as "The Wizard of the Witching World" ~ translation by A. Gruzberg , O. Kolesnikov, pp. 481-666
    • "Sorceress of the Witch World" as "The Sorceress of the Witching World" ~ translation by A. Gruzberg , O. Kolesnikov, pp. 667-844
    • "Year of the Unicorn" as "The Year of the Unicorn" ~ translation by A. Gruzberg , O. Kolesnikov, pp. 845-971


  • (2017) Published in Moscow by Eksmo, 978-5-699-80236-4, HC, 492pgs ~ cover art by Anthony Dubovik ~ series: Author's Collection ~ Russian title Колдовской мир [Witching World]


    • "Witch World" as "The Witching World" ~ translation by S. Stepanov, pp. 7-196
    • "Web of the Witch World" as "The Web of the Witching World" ~ translation by D. Arseniev, pp. 197-348
    • "Three Against the With World" as "Three against the Witching World" ~ translation by D. Arseniev, pp. 349-492


  •  (2021) Published in Moscow by Azbuca-Atticus, 5-170-26911-0 and 5-389-18124-3, HC ,864pg ~ cover by O. Zacis and S. Shinkin ~ Russian title Колдовской мир [Witching World] ~ Limited to 5000 copies


    • "Witch World" as "The World of Witchcraft" ~ translation by Sergey Stepanov, pp.11-192
    • "Web of the Witch World" as "The Web of the Magical World" ~ translation by A. Pakhomov, pp. 193-338
    • "Three Against the Witch World" as "Three against the World of Witchcraft" ~ translation by A. Pakhomov, pp. 339-480
    • "Warlock of the Witch World" as "The Spellcaster of the World of Witchcraft" ~ translation by N. Lebedeva, pp. 481-654
    • "Sorceress of the Witch World" as "The Sorceress of the Magical World" ~ translation by Alla Smirnova, pp. 655-861


View the 1986 ACE Contract

See Also: The Sorcerer's Conspectus entry for this title.

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