Suggested Reading Order

for the Witch World Saga


Publication Order of stories by Andre Norton only:

Suggested Reading Order of stories by Andre Norton only:

Expanded Reading Order ~ Includes short stories by other authors:1

Editors Note: * denotes a short story.
After a short story listing the title that is listed denotes the easiest edition to obtain for reading the short story.

Publication Order of stories by Andre Norton only:  1
Witch World (1963)
Web of the Witch World (1964)
Year of the Unicorn (1965)
Three Against the Witch World (1965)
Warlock of the Witch World (1967)
Sorceress of the Witch World (1968)
*     Ully the Piper (1970) in High Sorcery
*     One Spell Wizard (1972) in Garan the Eternal
The Crystal Gryphon (1972)
Spell of the Witch World (1972)
*     Legacy from Sorn Fen (1972) in Lore of the Witch World
*     The Toads of Grimmerdale (1973) in Lore of the Witch World
The Jargoon Pard (1974)
*     Spider Silk (1976) in Lore of the Witch World
10 Trey of Swords (1977)  2
*     Sword of Unbelief (1977) in Lore of the Witch World
11 Zarsthor’s Bane (1978)
*     Sand Sister (1979) in Lore of the Witch World
*     Falcon Blood (1979) in Lore of the Witch World
12 Lore of the Witch World (1980)
*     Changeling (1980) in Lore of the Witch World
13 Gryphon in Glory (1981)
14 Horn Crown (1981)
15 `Ware Hawk (1983)
16 Gryphon's Eyrie (1984)
*     Were-Wrath (1984) in Wizards' Worlds
17 The Gate of the Cat (1987)
18 Tales of the Witch World 1 (1987)
19 Tales of the Witch World 2 (1988)
#    GURPS: Roleplaying Guide (1989)
20 Four from the Witch World (1989)
21 Tales of the Witch World 3 (1990)
22 Storms of Victory (1991)
23 Flight of Vengeance (1992)
24 Songsmith (1992)
25 On Wings of Magic (1994)
*     The Way Wind (1995) in Tales from High Hallack 1
26 The Key of the Keplian (1995)
27 The Magestone (1996)
28 The Warding of Witch World (1996)
29 Ciara's Song (1998)
*     Earthborne (2004) in Tales from High Hallack 1
30 The Duke's Ballad (2005)
31 Silver May Tarnish (2005)

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Suggested Reading Order of stories by Andre Norton only:

The Settling of High Hallack
Horn Crown (1981)
*     One Spell Wizard (1972) in Garan the Eternal
*     Dream Smith (1972) in Spell of the Witch World
*     Of the Shaping of Ulm's Heir (1987) in Tales of the Witch World 1

The Fall of Sulcarkeep, The Horning of the Old Race in Karsten & The Defeat of the Kolder
Witch World (1963)
Web of the Witch World (1964)

The Invasion of High Hallack by the Hounds of Alizon & The Great Bargain with the Were-Riders
The Crystal Gryphon (1972)
*     Dragon Scale Silver (1972) in Spell of the Witch World
Gryphon in Glory (1981)
*     Were-Wrath (1984) in Wizards' Worlds
Zarsthor’s Bane (1978)
*     Sword of Unbelief (1977) in Lore of the Witch World
*     The Toads of Grimmerdale (1973) in Lore of the Witch World
Year of the Unicorn (1965)
*     Changeling (1980) in Lore of the Witch World
Gryphon's Eyrie (1984)
*     Amber Out of Quayth (1972) in Spell of the Witch World
*     Legacy from Sorn Fen (1972) in Lore of the Witch World
*     Ully the Piper (1970) in High Sorcery
Silver May Tarnish (2005)

The Turning & The Battle for Escore
Three Against the Witch World (1965)
Warlock of the Witch World (1967)
Trey of Swords (1977)  2
Sorceress of the Witch World (1968)
`Ware Hawk (1983)
Ciara's Song (1998)
The Gate of the Cat (1987)
The Duke's Ballad (2005)
Tales of the Witch World 1 (1987)
Tales of the Witch World 2 (1988)
#     GURPS: Roleplaying Guide (1989)
Four from the Witch World (1989)
Tales of the Witch World 3 (1990)

Witch World: The Turning trilogy
Storms of Victory (1991)
Flight of Vengeance (1992)
On Wings of Magic (1994)
The Jargoon Pard (1974)
*     Spider Silk (1976) in Lore of the Witch World
*     Sand Sister (1979) in Lore of the Witch World
*     Falcon Blood (1979) in Lore of the Witch World
Songsmith (1992)
*     The Way Wind (1995) in Tales of High Hallack 1

The Secrets of the Witch World trilogy
The Key of the Keplian (1995)
The Magestone (1996)
The Warding of Witch World (1996)
*     Earthborne (2004) in Tales of High Hallack 1

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Expanded Reading Order ~ Includes short stories by other authors:

The Arrival of the Sulcar
*     S'Olcarios's Sons (Legendary oral tradition of origin of the Sulcar, Krogan appear) in Tales of the Witch World 2

The Turning (Estcarp/Escore)
*     Futures Yet Unseen (ends with the Turning of the mountains between Estcarp & Escore) in Tales of the Witch World 2

The Settling of the Dales of High Hallack
Horn Crown (people from High Hallack arrive in the Dales)
*     Peacock Eyes (Origin of Neevor & Volt, set in High Hallack) in Tales of the Witch World 2
*     Plumduff Potato-Eye (When Herrel or Kethan was a child, set in Arvon) in Tales of the Witch World 3
*     Bloodspell (Were-Riders banished from Arvon, Neevor & Ibycus appear as 2 different people) in Tales of the Witch World 1
*     The Judgement of Neave (A Daleswoman becomes Neave's Votary in Arvon only a few generations after arriving in the Dales) in Tales of the Witch World 2
*     Gunnora's Gift (Could go anytime, set in High Hallack) in Tales of the Witch World 3
*     Rite of Failure (Were-Rider shaman's apprentice fails his rite of passage sometime after Bloodspell, set in The Waste) in Tales of the Witch World 2
*     One Spell Wizard (Becomes a tale/song by the time of Songsmith, set in High Hallack) in Garen the Eternal
*     The Sentinal at the Edge of the World (Sometime before Simon Tregarth arrives, set in Estcarp & Escore) in Tales of the Witch World 2
*     Tall Dames Go Walking (Set on Earth, origin of Jorge Petronius, Witches from Estcarp) in Tales of the Witch World 2
*     Dream Smith (Sometime before the invasion of High Hallack) in Spell of the Witch World
*     Fortune's Children (Sometime before the invasion of High Hallack. This may be one of the attacks from the Waste mentioned in Dream Smith) in Tales of the Witch World 3
*     Of the Shaping of Ulm's Heir & Heir Apparent (Kerovan's birth, set in High Hallack) in Tales of the Witch World 1
*     Rampion (Ends just after Kolder invade Gorm, set in High Hallack) in Four from the Witch World

The Horning/The Invasion of High Hallack
Witch World (Simon enters Witch World, Fall of Sulcarkeep, the Horning, the re-taking of Gorm from the Kolder)
*     Neither Rest Nor Refuge (The Horning in Karsten) in Tales of the Witch World 1
Web of the Witch World (Death of Yvian, destruction of the Kolder Gate)
*     Sea Serpents of Domnudale (Ends in Year of the Moss Wife, set in High Hallack) in Tales of the Witch World 2
The Crystal Gryphon (The Hounds of Alizon invade High Hallack 2 years after the fall of Sulcarkeep)
*     A Question of Magic (The Invasion of High Hallack just begun) in Tales of the Witch World 3
*     Stormbirds (Probably takes place in Year of the Leopard in High Hallack) in Four from the Witch World
*     Wolfhead (During the Invasion after alliance of northern lords probably during the Year of the Leopard) in Tales of the Witch World 3
*     Fenneca (Sometime during the Invasion) in Tales of the Witch World 1
*     Dragon Scale Silver (The invasion of High Hallack) in Spell of the Witch World
*     Of Ancient Swords and Evil Mist (Sulcar raiding Alizon, probably sometime during the Invasion of High Hallack) in Tales of the Witch World 1
*     Night Hound's Moon (GURPS: timeline placement) in Tales of the Witch World 1
Gryphon in Glory (The Were-Riders join the war in the Year of the Gryphon)
Were-Wrath (Thra fleeing invasion, destruction of her keep, set in The Waste in the forest of the Were-Riders?)
*     Green in High Hallack (Set a year after the Hounds pass through their Dale, after the turning point of the Invasion?) in Tales of the Witch World 1

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After the Invasion in High Hallack
Zarsthor’s Bane (Just after Hounds defeated, late summer Year of the Hornet)
*     Whispering Cane (Shortly after the Hounds defeated, Year of the Hornet) in Tales of the Witch World 3
*     Sword of Unbelief (Late autumn of Year of the Hornet) in Lore of the Witch World
*     The Toads of Grimmerdale (Early winter of Year of the Hornet) in Lore of the Witch World
Year of the Unicorn (End of Year of the Hornet & beginning of the Year of the Unicorn)
*     Changeling (After The Toads of Grimmerdale, spring of the Year of the Unicorn) in Lore of the Witch World
Gryphon's Eyrie (Spring/summer of the Year of the Unicorn)
*     Amber Out of Quayth (From late summer to Midwinter of the Year of the Unicorn) in Spell of the Witch World
*     Legacy from Sorn Fen (After Hounds defeated) in Lore of the Witch World
 Silver May Tarnish (During Invasion & after Hounds defeated)
*     The Sword Seller (4 years after Amber out of Quayth) in Tales of the Witch World 3
*     Ully the Piper (After Hounds defeated) in High Sorcery
*     Nine Words in Winter (After Hounds defeated, around time of Ully the Piper) in Tales of the Witch World 1
*     The White Road (Sometime after Hounds defeated) in Tales of the Witch World 1
*     The Road of Dreams and Death (Sometime after Hounds defeated and Amber Out of Quayth) in Tales of the Witch World 1
*     The Salt Garden (10 years after home destroyed during Invasion) in Tales of the Witch World 2
*     Candletrap (18 years after Year of the Crowned Swan) in Tales of the Witch World 3
*     Knowledge (Lormt before the Turning) in Tales of the Witch World 3

The Turning (Estcarp/Karsten) [24 years after The Horning]
Three Against the Witch World (The Turning and the opening of Escore)
*     Old Toad (Witch protects a Gate from the Turning in the border mountains near Escore) in Tales of the Witch World 2
*     An Account of the Turning (The witches council at the moment of the Turning) in GURPS: Witch World: Roleplaying Guide
Trey of Swords (Ends in chapter 6 of Warlock in Escore) 2
Warlock of the Witch World (Light vs Dark in Escore)
*     The Stones of Sharnon (Probably shortly after Old Race from Karsten resettle Escore) in Tales of the Witch World 2
Sorceress of the Witch World (Light vs Dark, return of Simon & Jaelithe, Hilarion)
*     The Scent of Magic (Probably during Sorceress of the Witch World, in Escore) in Tales of the Witch World 3
`Ware Hawk (Shortly after Sorceress of the Witch World, set in Karsten & Escore)
*     Voice of Memory (17 years after Year of the Hornet) in Tales of the Witch World 3
*     Were-Flight (18 years after Year of the Fire Drake, set in High Hallack & The Waste) in Tales of the Witch World 3
*     Were-Hunter (Roughly 20 years after Year of the Unicorn, in High Hallack) in Tales of the Witch World 1
*     To Rebuild the Eyrie (After the destruction of the Eyrie in the Turning, in Estcarp) in Tales of the Witch World 1
*     Oath-Bound (Falconer knows of Escore, no new Eyrie mentioned) in Tales of the Witch World 1
*     Falcon's Chick (The Turning-after the Turning, in Estcarp, before Falcon Blood) in Tales of the Witch World 3
*     Milk from a Maiden's Breast (Three years since Tregarth triplets entered Escore) in Tales of the Witch World 1
Ciara's Song (Ends sometime after the Turning in Karsten)
The Gate of the Cat (After 'Ware Hawk, the cleansing of Escore)
The Duke's Ballad (Begins three years after Ciara's Song, events of Gate of the Cat mentioned taking place during this, in Karsten)
*     Isle of Illusion (Anytime after Amber Out of Quayth, near Arvon) in Tales of the Witch World 1
*     Through the Moon Gate (Could go anytime, in High Hallack) in Tales of the Witch World 2
*     The Circle of Sleep (around the same time as Stillborn Heritage or Voice of Memory, in The Waste) in Tales of the Witch World 3
*     Strait of Storms (sometime after Gate of the Cat, in Escore) in Tales of the Witch World 3
*     The Hunting of Lord Etsalian's Daughter (at least 6 years after the Turning, in Estcarp) in Tales of the Witch World 2
*     The Stillborn Heritage (around the same time as Falcon Magic, in High Hallack) in Four from the Witch World
*     Falcon Blood (after the destruction of the Eyrie in the Turning, Salzarat the former home of the Falconers rediscovered, curse of Jonkara broken) in Lore of the Witch World

Witch World: The Turning trilogy
Storms of Victory (after Sorceress of the Witch World) contains Port of Dead Ships and Seakeep
Flight of Vengeance (probably around the same time as Falcon Blood) contains Exile and Falcon Hope
On Wings of Magic (after Falcon's Chick/6 years after To Rebuild the Eyrie, around the same time as Stilborn Heritage) contains We, the Women and Falcon Magic
*     La Verdad: The Magic Sword (Anytime after Changeling and We, the Women, probably before The Warding of Witch World, in High Hallack) in Tales of the Witch World 2
*     Darkness Over Mirhold (probably after Port of Dead Ships in Storms of Victory, before The Warding of Witch World) in Tales of the Witch World 2
The Jargoon Pard (After the Turning, set in Arvon)
*     Falcon Law (after Falcon Blood and Falcon Hope, in the border mountains between Estcarp & Karsten) in Four from the Witch World
*     Spider Silk (8 years after the Turning, in Estcarp) in Lore of the Witch World
*     Sand Sister (Tursla & Simond shortly before the The Warding of Witch World, in Tor Marsh) in Lore of the Witch World
Songsmith (Alon & Eydryth shortly before the The Warding of Witch World, in Escore & Arvon)
*     The Way Wind (Anytime, if in Witch World, published same year as The Key of the Keplian) in Tales from High Hallack 1

The Secrets of the Witch World trilogy
The Key of the Keplian (set in Escore)
The Magestone (set mostly in Alizon)
The Warding of Witch World
*     Dream Pirates' Jewel (long after Invasion, possibly around The Warding of Witch World, in High Hallack) in Tales of the Witch World 2
*     The Root of All Evil (anytime after Gate of the Cat, in Escore) in Tales of the Witch World 3
*     Earthborne (after the The Warding of Wirch World in Estcarp) in Tales of High Hallack 1
*     Heroes (17 years after Old Race from Karsten resettle Escore) in Tales of the Witch World 2
*     The Weavers (Anytime after Gate of the Cat, in Escore) in Tales of the Witch World 3
*     Godron's Daughter (17 years after Stones of Sharnon, in Estcarp) in Tales of the Witch World 3
*     Cat and the Other (around the time of Heartspell? in Estcarp) in Tales of the Witch World 1
*     Yellow Eyes (new lands introduced, after Cat and the Other) in Catfantastic 1
*     Shado (some years after Cat and the Other) in Catfantastic 2
*     Heartspell (30 years after the Turning in Estcarp) in Tales of the Witch World 3
*     Gate of the Kittens (Simon Tregarth's grandson in Escore) in Catfantastic 1

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1. Andre didn't write her stories chronologically. In some later books, she went back to fill in details of events mentioned in earlier stories.
2. Trey of Swords contains 3 novellas ~ Sword of Ice, Sword of Lost Battles and Sword of Shadow

Formatted and Edited by Jay Watts ~ April, 2019

 Copyright ~ Elwher, Metaldragon, Indagare & Lotsawatts
Online Rights -

 Duplication of this collection (in whole or in part) for profit of any kind NOT permitted.



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